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Thank you for being a Kingdom Multiplier!

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:21

When we give it reminds us that everything we have has been given to us by God! We encourage you to take a step of faith and invest in this Great Commission work through your giving! Jesus talked a lot about money. We believe it is an act of obedience to give our resources to further God's Kingdom. It’s all His anyways!

When you give securely to The Multiply Initiative, we are able to train leaders, share the Gospel with the lost, and invest in Great Commission work all over the world!

When you give you are partnering with us in this Great Commission work that God has called us to! Thank you!

The Multiply Initiative is a registered 501©3 organization, meaning that all your donations are tax deductible.

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Multiply Initiative
PO Box 81
Wynne, AR